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  • Tags: Employment and Labor
During World War II, women occupied the jobs that men who were fighting in the war once took. Mercedes "Bessie" Mendez was one of the women in the community who worked at Bethlehem Steel during the war. Once the war ended, the men returned to the…

Position: 59 (118 views)
La Mayagüesana Delicatessen, Jose Rullan – Proprietor – Circa 1965 – one of the first Latin American grocery stores to bring Spanish products to the early Puerto Rican/Migrant community. This business was located at 173 Ridge Road Lackawanna,…

Position: 15 (233 views)
Little Spain Restaurant – Owned by Jose and Carmen Perez of the Spanish American Welfare Association – This restaurant was located on Wilkesbarre Street, Lackawanna, NY 14218 Circa 1950s – and was one of the first Spanish Restaurants/Bars in…

Position: 67 (110 views)

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