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  • Tags: Community Involvement
This interview with José Pizarro was conducted by Maritza Vega on July 28, 2014 in Buffalo, NY. José Pizarro is a Puerto Rican Vietnam War Veteran who later went on to become deeply involved with the Hispanic community in the City of Buffalo. José…

Position: 12 (279 views)
This interview with Marcelina Rodriguez Rondon took place on September 16, 2013 in Amherst, New York and was conducted by Stephanie Bucalo. Marcelina was born in Puerto Rico but came to Lackawanna with her parents in search of better employment…

Position: 22 (181 views)
Senior Citizens Support Columbus Hospital – Los Taínos Senior Citizens support the Buffalo Columbus Hospital – On Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY 14201 – Led by Ana Cotton

Position: 39 (131 views)
Stephanie Berrios, Adelaida Lely Dones and Srta. Carrion at the Puerto Rican Cultural Community Center, 361 Swan St., Buffalo, NY

Position: 22 (181 views)
Spanish American Welfare Association sponsored the soccer team

Position: 43 (125 views)
Spanish American Welfare Association sponsored the soccer team

Position: 55 (118 views)
Smitty Kovacs and Francisco “Pancho” Gonzalez Mariachi Band – Playing at the Spanish American Welfare Association on Ridge Road, Lackawanna

Position: 51 (121 views)
The Spanish American Welfare Association was an organization established by the Spanish community to be a place where the community could hold events and gather in unity.

Position: 86 (98 views)
Team sponsored by the Puerto Rican Community House on Swan Street, Buffalo, NY

Position: 86 (98 views)

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