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  • Tags: Community Involvement
Senior Citizens Support Columbus Hospital – Los Taínos Senior Citizens support the Buffalo Columbus Hospital – On Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY 14201 – Led by Ana Cotton

Position: 30 (125 views)
Stephanie Berrios, Adelaida Lely Dones and Srta. Carrion at the Puerto Rican Cultural Community Center, 361 Swan St., Buffalo, NY

Position: 17 (168 views)
Spanish American Welfare Association sponsored the soccer team

Position: 35 (119 views)
Spanish American Welfare Association sponsored the soccer team

Position: 40 (112 views)
Smitty Kovacs and Francisco “Pancho” Gonzalez Mariachi Band – Playing at the Spanish American Welfare Association on Ridge Road, Lackawanna

Position: 43 (110 views)
The Spanish American Welfare Association was an organization established by the Spanish community to be a place where the community could hold events and gather in unity.

Position: 62 (89 views)
Team sponsored by the Puerto Rican Community House on Swan Street, Buffalo, NY

Position: 70 (85 views)
Team sponsored by the Puerto Rican Community House

Position: 127 (61 views)
Team sponsored by the Puerto Rican Community House

Position: 94 (75 views)

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